Tag: sounds

Mindful Nature: Mind-full of the moment

Mindful Nature: Mind-full of the moment

Living in today’s world can feel overwhelming at times. So many things distract us while we try so hard to concentrate on that one task- and what was that task anyway? Or the constant doing energy and the need to hurry up has us rushing 

Sounds in nature

Sounds in nature

Today I had planned to draw the first calendula blossoms in our vegetable garden. I headed out across the yard and as I rounded the corner of the house, I heard an unusual crackling sound. I stopped in my tracks, focused my hearing to figure 

Drawing Bird Song (Video)

Drawing Bird Song (Video)

How can we draw bird songs? It’s May and at the midpoint of spring. For us, seeing bluebird nestlings and the return of tree swallows marks a change in the season. To help our our native birds, two years ago we installed bluebird nest boxes.