Cahaba River: Virtual nature journaling trip (video)

Topic for today

Monterey Bay Nature Journal Club (MBNJC) Member Amy Sides takes us down to get our feet “wet” at her nearby nature in Alabama to explore the Cahaba River and the special lilies that live there.

We’ll be taking a virtual trip through the habitat and stop to notice, wonder and journal about what we see. Rather than a lecture or scientific talk, this is about traveling through nature together and exploring what’s around.

Melinda will share (and we’ll practice) ways to record your 3-d life experience on a 2-D journal page. This is a great way to pick up new ideas, strategies, tips on to document your nearby nature in your journal!

Travel tips

As you travel with us, I invite you to practice doing some gesture sketches or contour drawings –these are great ways that don’t take too much time so that you can capture the feeling of what you are seeing and experiencing. You can always stop to do a detailed drawing if something in particular interested you.

Have questions while we travel? Add them to your journal! and keep writing down what you notice and wonder. Capture your excitement in discovery as Amy shares her joy and love for her nearby nature.

Grab your water shoes and sunhat, and your journal supplies and explore Alabama with us!

Video from today

Some other resources:

Amy’s videos from the session on YouTube:

Other cool websites from Amy:

The Cahaba River Society-– a non-profit dedicated to protecting the Cahaba– lots of great info here!
The Unio Gallery (information about and videos of the mussels)
Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge

For a deeper dive into the biodiversity of Alabama, here are a few of my favorite articles:

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