Poppy Watch

Poppy Watch

I’ve been watching the shirley poppies in our front yard for the past few days, and drawing them in my nature journal. I’m learning about how it grows and becomes a seed pod. Noticing that in the beginning the bud is bent downward as it 

Vitamin N and migraines

Vitamin N and migraines

I’ve been enjoying the sunshine and really, really trying to get myself to go outside for rest and replenishment during busy days. It’s so easy to get sucked into computer work, that the rest of life passes by.  It’s as if nature is watching me 

Drawing Bird Song (Video)

Drawing Bird Song (Video)

How can we draw bird songs? It’s May and at the midpoint of spring. For us, seeing bluebird nestlings and the return of tree swallows marks a change in the season. To help our our native birds, two years ago we installed bluebird nest boxes. 

Bluebird Bounty

Bluebird Bounty

May 1- Spring is in full swing– There are 4 healthy-looking bluebird chicks in our next box and the parents are busy delivering freshly caught insects and caterpillars every few minutes.  Two years ago we installed bluebird nest boxes on our property to help our 

Trying a new perspective: Belly sit spot

Trying a new perspective: Belly sit spot

I decided to take a suggestion to do a sit spot into my yard in a place I had not visited yet, or a place to see with a new perspective.  The three ceanothus shrubs in my lawn, full of pale blue blossoms and busy 

Pineapple weed

Pineapple weed

Pineapple weed or wild chamomile is a native plant that we more commonly see growing as a weed along the side of the road. You may have even stepped on in while out for a walk. It is edible and great made into a tea-