

Travel with Melinda to Greece this summer!

May 25- June 1, 2024

I’ll be leading a week-long adventure to Pelion Greece for nature journaling

We will explore the amazing natural areas with joyful wonder and save memories in a nature journal! From the mountainside, hikes, gardens, beaches and villages- let’s travel together. I’ll show you how to easily capture your experiences on paper for lasting memories.

All meals and room at the beautiful Lagou Raxi Country Hotel and Garden.

We’ll explore the landscape I’m saving your seat to share this extraordinary experience with me!

See details and registration here.

And PDF of the program agenda and pricing

Retreat into the Sierras with Melinda

Wandering in Wonder: Nature Journaling for heartfelt connection to the natural world

July 14-19, 2024. Sierra Nevada Field Campus, Sierra City California

Registration open- reserve your seat- limited spaces.

Melinda and Nature journaling in the news!

Read an article about nature journaling here.

We may see the forest on our work commute, or a deer on the side of the road, but do we really SEE the natural world?

  • What kind of hedge is growing at your home or nearest neighbor’s?
  • Is the largest tree on your block deciduous or evergreen?
  • What month do the daffodils in your neighbor’s yard bloom?
  • How many crows were on that tree you saw this morning?

Learn how to slow down, get more comfortable with being outside, and develop a keener sense of awareness in nature.

Melinda Nakagawa

What can Nature time do for you?

  • Recharges your inner “batteries” -leaves you feeling replenished
  • Restores calmness and being centered so you are more resilient during times of stress
  • Improves your sense of well-being and uplifts your mood
  • Gives you a sense of perspective when you are feeling overwhelmed
  • Reduces effects of stress: reduce heart rate and blood pressure
  • Improves memory, concentration and productivity
  • Boosts your creativity



Nature Journaling:

Keeping a nature journal opens our eyes to unseen beauty.

We make careful observations, and record them on the page.

Suddenly, we begin seeing, sensing, hearing and smelling more of the natural world.

Learn how you can keep a nature journal to deepen your nature connection, observational, naturalist and drawing skills, and spark a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Online and in-person Courses and workshops:

  • Spark your Curiosity: introduction to nature journaling
  • Spark your Bird Love
  • Be a better birder with nature jouranling
  • Bookbinding: Make your own nature journal
  • Into the Heart of Nature Retreat

Monterey Bay Nature Journal Club

Melinda lead the Monterey Bay Nature Journal Club. We meet in person and online.

See the calendar for dates.

Spark Collective Online Learning Community

  • 🔵Are you tired of working on your nature journals alone?
  • 🔵Do you forget all the great new insights you learn in a workshop after you learn them?
  • 🔵Have you wished to make nature journaling a regular practice in your life but find it hard to stick with it?
  • 🌸Come to a vibrant online space with others in real time to joyfully explore nature journaling
  • 🌸 Work on your skills together for lasting learning
  • 🌸Explore how the nature journal can bring you deeper connection to nature and your inner nature to bring more joy, wonder and fulfillment to your life.
  • 🌸Find the freedom to sketch with ease and explore nature with freedom

All this and more is in the Spark Collective, a new online collaboration space where we work together in real time to share the joy of nature jouranling, develop new skills, and bridge science, nature, art, and heart to open a world of wonder.

You’ll never be alone in a vibrant co-working space full of creative, heart-centered folks. You’ll get to:

  • attend for FREE the monthly Nature Journal Studio and
  • monthly Drawn into Nature sessions,
  • plus weekly Spark Journaling co-working time to catch up on journaling.
  • Sharing online space with others internationally around the clock asynchronously
  • Learn from others in our collaborative community LIVE online: in areas of creativity, personal growth, professional development, health and wellness, business and more.

Sign up for a free 2-week trial here.

Not sure? Do you want to talk with me more about this community? Book your call here:

Private mentoring: Spark Journaling monthly program

Are you stuck on a plateau in your nature journaling? Looking for a spark of inspiration?

Are you an educator using nature journaling in your class, and want to strengthen your practice?

Are you ready to dive in and explore how else nature jouranaling can bring you closer to nature and your inner nature? To cultivate an “ear” for nature’s voices and wisdom to guide you in your life?

Talk to Melinda : Book your call here:

Guided Nature Walks

Experience your nearby nature with new intention so that you can begin to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. With this approach you’ll start to see the world differently, as if a window opened up allowing you to see another perspective. Nature walks and birding walks.

Nature-inspired crafts and creativity Workshops:

Use nature to nurture your creative expression. Creativity reduces feelings of stress, and helps to develop your intuitive sense and inner guidance.

Nature Connection

Deepen your awareness in nature with guided exercises, and learn how to quickly and easily get a dose of nature in a busy, technology-driven world to bring calm, peace and balance to your life.

Slow Birding: Spark your joy of birds

Join Melinda for a morning of wandering in nature to appreciate birds. Learn how to see more birds, hear more birds, how to record easy notes in your journal to increase your knowledge and enjoyment of birds. The focus is on slowing down and enjoying nature and birds, rather than quickly trying to name and check birds off a list. Good for new and experienced bird watchers. We will learn new ways to make bird watching more easeful, and enjoyable!

Professional Development, Teacher Trainings, Workshops

Bring a nature journaling experience to your work, school or event. Online, and in-person.

Melinda simplifies the practice of nature journaling to calm the inner critic, while developing skills of awareness, wonder and curiosity through sketching and writing. This practice is grounding, bringing you into deeper connection to nature, restore joy and peace.

Contact Melinda for details.

Private & Small Groups:

Tide pool and Rocky Shore exploration


Learn from an expert marine biologist and naturalist all about tide pool life, the animals and organisms that live there, and go out on guided expeditions to local tide pools and rocky beaches. You’ll never see the tide pools the same way after experiencing this series.

Marine Birds

Monterey Bay is rich with a diversity of marine birds. Learn from a marine bird ecologist about the variety of birds that live or migrate to Monterey Bay. Learn how to identify them, field identification tips, and take a peek into their habits.

Marine Birds

About Melinda: Melinda Nakagawa

Melinda Nakagawa is a biologist, naturalist, and educator with a passion and skill for connecting people to nature. She founded Spark in Nature to guide participants to cultivate a deeper relationship with the natural world, slowing down to nature’s pace to truly see and to listen to what nature is saying.

With an approach that bridges nature, art, and heart, she welcomes all people regardless of their skill level or background. Through her gentle guidance, hundreds of participants have awakened their spark of curiosity, sense of wonder, and connection to the natural world.

Melinda has partnered with local institutions such as the world-renowned Monterey Bay Aquarium and Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History to lead Professional development trainings for educators on nature journaling. Working with local educational County Office of Education to She started the Monterey Bay Nature Journal Club in 2019 and offered free weekly online Sunday sessions from 2020, and now monthly online.

She has an M.S. degree in Marine Science, and has also worked as a naturalist guide, floral designer, and wildlife rehabilitator. For the past two decades Melinda has kept nature journals and continues to learn more from nature with each journal she fills.

Praise for Melinda

Contact Melinda:

Contact me if you have any questions or would like to learn more about my programs.

Melinda Nakagawa sparkinNature@gmail.com

Follow my Facebook page: facebook.com/sparkinNature

Instagram @sparkinnature