Intro to Nature Journaling-Level 1: 6-week Course

Do you enjoy nature but don't know what you're seeing? Want to be more confident in drawing nature? Want to start a nature journal but don't know how? Jump into the Intro to Nature Journaling course!   This class meets for 6 weeks, Thursdays at 

Leaves: Diversity, structure and color change

What we'll be doing: What are the leaves? What do they do and why should we notice? Why do some change color and fall off?   Let's take a tour through the diversity of leaves. We will explore some strategies to record them, as well 

Wild Wonder Virtual Nature Journal Conference

Join Us for our 2020 Online Virtual Event: October 7-11, 2020 Hosted in Partnership with The Foster. Register Now! Review the Class Schedule Here Click here for conference FAQs

Intro to Nature Journaling – Level 2 Week 6

Intro to Nature Journaling: Level 2- Fall 2020 Registration closed After Level 1 course, continue to expand and reinforce your nature journal skills. Learn more topics to enrich your journal pages. Practice and learn with others! This class meets Wednesdays 6pm Sep 2- Oct 7, 

Intro to Nature Journaling-Level 1: 6-week Course

Do you enjoy nature but don't know what you're seeing? Want to be more confident in drawing nature? Want to start a nature journal but don't know how? Jump into the Intro to Nature Journaling course!   This class meets for 6 weeks, Thursdays at 

Post-Conference Sharing and Nature Journaling

What we'll be doing: After a whirlwind week at the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, all you've learned might feel like a blur. Wasn't it amazing?? If you take time to review your notes and put them into practice you anchor them into your memory!. 

Nature Journaling (CSUMB-OLLI)

Nature journaling with Melinda At its heart, nature journaling is about learning to truly see, hear, and experience nature in a way that deepens our awareness and increases our knowledge of the natural world. Through sketches and notations, we communicate our experience and ask questions 

Nature journaling: Open your eyes to wonder (Lyceum Monterey)

Nature journaling: Open your eyes to wonder Nature Journaling is the art of observing nature and recording what you see using a combination of words, drawings, and numbers. When we are drawing something in nature, we focus our careful attention and begin to see things 

Nature Journaling at Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary

What we'll be doing: Join the Monterey Bay Nature Journal club this Sunday, to take a virtual nature journaling trip to Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, in Massachusetts. MBNJC member Jan Ruby-Crystal will take through woodlands, meadows, grasslands and wetlands, and on a stroll on their art 

Nature Journaling (CSUMB-OLLI)-Week 2

Nature journaling with Melinda At its heart, nature journaling is about learning to truly see, hear, and experience nature in a way that deepens our awareness and increases our knowledge of the natural world. Through sketches and notations, we communicate our experience and ask questions 

Nature journaling: Open your eyes to wonder (Lyceum -online)

Nature journaling: Open your eyes to wonder Nature Journaling is the art of observing nature and recording what you see using a combination of words, drawings, and numbers. When we are drawing something in nature, we focus our careful attention and begin to see things 

Virtual Sunday Nature Journaling: Trees

What we'll be doing: Join the Monterey Bay Nature Journal club this Sunday! We will practice some strategies to document nearby trees in our nature journals. Lines, negative spaces, gesture sketches, and non-drawing techniques too.     When Start at 9:30 am- end at 12